Fred Holmes
Office 2000 has Microsoft Photo Editor, with executable PHOTOED.EXE,
which I have on my home machine (and use often). At work I have just
received a new machine with Office 2003 installed. I don't find Photo
Editor or anything equivalent among the installed applications. A
search on "PHOTOED.EXE" turns up zip. Is it missing altogether?
Called something else? [Probably] not installed by the IT folks who
set up my new machine? . . . ?
Fred Holmes
which I have on my home machine (and use often). At work I have just
received a new machine with Office 2003 installed. I don't find Photo
Editor or anything equivalent among the installed applications. A
search on "PHOTOED.EXE" turns up zip. Is it missing altogether?
Called something else? [Probably] not installed by the IT folks who
set up my new machine? . . . ?
Fred Holmes