Microsoft Picture Manager Question


Jennifer Mcdermeit

I am sending thumbnail photos from the Microsoft Office Picture Manager into
a text box (1" X 1") in Microsoft Word. I have linked several text boxes
together, so a separate photo appears in each text box. Prior to sending the
photos you can turn photos to make them vertical. However, this makes these
photos taller.

Horizontal photos work fine, but if you send a vertical photo to the text
box, the full picture can not be seen (it is taller than the text box). I
know how to resize these photos, but it takes quite a bit of time and may be
hard for others to do. (This is a photo form I am designing for other
workers, so it needs to be user friendly) I would like to know how I can
send the vertical photos so it is resized to the height of the text box so no
resizing later is needed.

I have tried compressing the photo, resizing the original photo & saving
then sending the orignal size to Word. However, each time the vertical
photos still need to be made smaller to fit the text box. I was able to make
some of the horizontal photos be sent to the Word program, smaller than the
size of the text box, but I don't know how I did it.

When you hit "send photos to Microsoft Office" at the bottom of the pop up
screen where you have options to choose which size to make the photos (Large
to Email 160 X 160) size, it does not matter. What ever size you choose it
still is the size of the text box.

The only way I know to resize the photo after it is in the text box, is to
click on the text box below the photo, hit Enter until there is a space
between the photos and then click on the vert. pict. to resize to right
height. The problem with this is if someone hits enter when one of the
photos is highlighted (purple color) it will delete it. Since others will be
using this, who don't know that much about computers, I would like a
different way to do this. Please help.

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