Our application, which previously laid out plans quite speedily in earlier
versions of Project, has slowed to a crawl in Project 2007. The action that
costs a lot of time is adding a resource assignment to a task. Sometimes
this is executed immediately but other times it takes considerable amount of
time, e.g. one or two seconds. That is a lot when we have several resources
going into hundreds of tasks. We've tried lowering resource leveling to a
lowest priority of 1000, to no avail. We could not turning off and modifying
levels of Undo, which was another suspected culprit, again to no avail.
Does anyone know what else might be done to speed up plan layout in Project
2007 and has anyone else been having these problems?
versions of Project, has slowed to a crawl in Project 2007. The action that
costs a lot of time is adding a resource assignment to a task. Sometimes
this is executed immediately but other times it takes considerable amount of
time, e.g. one or two seconds. That is a lot when we have several resources
going into hundreds of tasks. We've tried lowering resource leveling to a
lowest priority of 1000, to no avail. We could not turning off and modifying
levels of Undo, which was another suspected culprit, again to no avail.
Does anyone know what else might be done to speed up plan layout in Project
2007 and has anyone else been having these problems?