Microsoft Project 2007 sub project milestones



I have a collegue that is using Project 2007 and would like to insert sub
projects into a master project an reference milestones in the sub project to
tasks in the master project. Is this possible?

Jim Aksel

Yes. With the master project open (it includes all the subproject files),
you may link tasks. Click on the first task, hold down the control key click
the second task. Click the Link icon.

The first task selected becomes the predecessor to the second task.
You can tell if a task has an external predecessor becuase the path to that
task is listed in the predecessors, not just the task ID. You can also show
these tasks in your schedule (Tools/Options/View select Show External
Predecessors or successors)

Additional Information: Links between files are easily corrupted when users
change the file name or location. It is a best practice to put the master
project file and all the subproject files into one folder in a network
accessible location.

The most common mistake in this scenario is a user will drag a copy of a
subproject file out to their desktop and make changes to it there. Once
those changes are saved and the file put back you are at risk for file

Another rule, absolutely never use File/Save As... that wakes up the
Corruption Goblins immediately.

If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

Jim Aksel, MVP

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