Ronen Magid
Simple description of the problem.
- Seen project in project server 2003 web page.
- Could open project in the web interface to see project.
- Could open with the Project 2003 App for editing (launch from the web
- See project in project server 2003 web page.
- Can open project in the web interface to see project.
- CAN'T LAUNCH WITH PROJECT 2003. Why? a message box saying "Selected
Project(s) cannot be opened with Project". A typical "urgh, something bad
happened" Microsoft message with no documentation and a dead end.
All my attempts to salvage my project from the deep hellish realms of
Project server or Sharepoint have been failed. The internet contains two
references to the message box I mentioed above. Both are cries for help that
have gone unanswered.
Simple description of the problem.
- Seen project in project server 2003 web page.
- Could open project in the web interface to see project.
- Could open with the Project 2003 App for editing (launch from the web
- See project in project server 2003 web page.
- Can open project in the web interface to see project.
- CAN'T LAUNCH WITH PROJECT 2003. Why? a message box saying "Selected
Project(s) cannot be opened with Project". A typical "urgh, something bad
happened" Microsoft message with no documentation and a dead end.
All my attempts to salvage my project from the deep hellish realms of
Project server or Sharepoint have been failed. The internet contains two
references to the message box I mentioed above. Both are cries for help that
have gone unanswered.