Microsoft Query with more than one parameter gets tied up




I have an Excel 2003 workbook that uses a Microsoft Query to query an
Access database. I there are two parameters in the same spreadsheet
and the query is set to refresh based on these parameters changing.
Those parameters are a start date and an end date.

I have found that the following happens. Let's say the workbook has
been saved with the start and end dates as 5/1/2007 and 5/4/2007. If
you change the start date to, for example, 4/4/2004 and the quickly go
to the end date cell and change it to 4/4/2004, the query doesn't
refresh a second time. You have changed the end date cell, and the
start date and end date cells now read as 4/4/2004 and 4/4/2004, so it
should be one day's worth of data. But what the query shows is
actually as if the end date never changed (i.e. start date 4/4/2004
and end date 5/4/2007). It is because the end date was changed when it
was still refreshing the query based upon the start date change.

You might be saying "well, don't do that so quickly then". But I have
developed this for users and, while, I could explain the "don't do
that" workaround, in my mind this is a bug--why can't Excel "queue up"
this cell change, wait until the first refresh is done, and refresh
again based on the second change? Is this a known issue?


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