Microsoft Security



I cannot uninstall security including firewall that was
accidentally installed on my computer

'69 Camaro

Welcome to the News Groups for Microsoft Access, the most popular database
in the world! Since this News Group is dedicated to dealing with the
security issues of the database application from the Microsoft Office suite,
you may receive quicker (and possibly correct!) answers by posting your
question in the Microsoft.Public.WindowsXP.configuration_manage News Group.

I suspect that you are referring to Windows XP SP-2 being automatically
installed on your computer via Windows Update. If so, then you can
uninstall it or use System Restore to return to an earlier version of your
system. For more information, see these Web pages:,1759,1635077,00.asp



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See for Microsoft Access tips.

(Any human can read my reply E-mail address and should alter it so that a
message will be forwarded to me. Spammers are free to use my UNALTERED
reply E-mail address. I will *never* get those messages!)

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