Microsoft Visual Keyboard - Japanese



I am trying to use the Visual Keyboard using the Japanese characters
'Hiragana'. I have noticed it is missing 3 important characters, one
duplicate character, and one unnessary character. Is there anyway (or
download/update) to modify this visual keyboard?
My OS is Windows XP Home and I have Office 2000 Pro Upgrade.
Thanks for the help,


are the characters missing when using XP's built in IME?

While having coffee and bread this morning, I read that Kitty wrote in


I do not know the answer to that. I searched for IME Japanese as I wanted to
be able to 'type' Japanese. All I could find was the Visual Keyboard and I
downloaded it and was able to 'type' but then I noticed the missing
characters. I had updated my system to be used in two languages, English &
Japanese. How do I know if I am using the XP's built in IME?


add asian lang support including the keyboard support

While having coffee and bread this morning, I read that Kitty wrote in


OK, where do I find this "Asian Language Support including the Keyboard
Support"? I appreciate you trying to help me, D@annyBoy.


control panel
regional and language options
language tab
supplementary language support
(get your CD ready just in case)
after installing files for East Asian lang, click on Details
and add the necessary Japanese keyboard support

While having coffee and bread this morning, I read that Kitty wrote in


Well, all that seemed to be in order, there wasn't anything more to add, so I
guess the XP's IME is functioning. Maybe the keyboard is defective. Anymore
suggestions other than go to Microsoft?


I don't read or write Japanese, therefore I cannot offer anything else

I am using a Eng/Thai keyboard and the other language that I understand is Simp
Chinese (Hanyu pinyin)
Without changing my keyboard, and adding support to input S Chinese using WinXP
I can input S Chinese by changing the language at the taskbar

IIRC, Japanese input do not require changing the keyboard and only adding the kb
support, yo can input Kanji, etc

go to MS for support is a waste of time for IME since the documentation is clear
unless you are going to contact MS Japan where Japanese is the native language

trial and error may bring better results

While having a glass of beer, I read that Kitty wrote in

Jon Harvey


Once you have the IME setup, you should be able to just type the words in
romaji and the words will come up in Japanese on your screen. I am unsure why
you use the virtual keyboard. For example if you type toukyou and press the
space bar, you will get the various methods, hiragana, katakana and kanji to
spell Tokyo (English way to write it). You can do this, after following D@nny
Boys example to add IME. Then go and check your Language Bar. At the bottom
of your screen, or on your taskbar if you moved it, right click, and goto
Toolbars and make sure the check is on for the Language Bar, then goto the
little box close to your clock, it should show either an EN or JP, this will
allow you to change from Japanese and English when you type. They also have
the virtual keyboard built in, however just typing away when you set the
keyboard to Japanese hiragana should do the trick.

Hope it helps,

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