Microsoft Word - Document Spacing



Hi guys, whenever i press return, there seems to be double spacing so that it jumps one line more than it should downwards. I have been on Format and double-spacing was not turned on, so i can't think what else is wrong as i haven't formatted Word at all.

Regards and thank you.

Daiya Mitchell

It's actually the formatting for space between paragraphs, rather than
double-line-spacing. They changed the default.

To change in just this document, select all, go to Format | Paragraph.
Look down to the find the Spacing: After field, and change 10 to 0.

To change this in all documents created from now on, change the Normal

First, select Format | Style. Normal should be selected.

Click on Modify--make sure "add to template" is CHECKED. You'll see a
Format menu in the bottom of the dialog--select Paragraph from it, and
change the Spacing: After setting from 10 to 0.


I discovered the same problem when I upgraded to Office 2008. It is probably not your line spacing that is the problem; it could well be the paragraph spacing since you are hitting the return key.

Open Word to a blank document in Print Layout view. Look to the right side of your screen to see if the Formatting Palette is on-screen. If it is not, click the Toolbox icon above the blank document or click View>Toolbox>Formatting Palette to get it on-screen. Now open the Alignment and Spacing sub-dialog in the Palette. Under Paragraph Spacing, the first line has drop-down boxes for "Before" and "After." If your Palette is like mine, the default listing for "After" is "10," which is what is making it look like you are double-spacing every time you press the return key.

Now, changing the "After" entry to "0" will only work in the current document. To keep this from happening on every new document, you will need to open the Normal template, make the "After" change, and then save the template.

In fact, I am having this very same problem in the Notebook Layout view.
The formatting palette will not let me access the Paragraph Spacing choices and I have had to "remove" the notebook lines so the writing does not appear to be written on the lines - which completely defeats the utility of the notebook view. I will be posting about this situation shortly.

Hope this helps,


Hey, thanks a lot to the both of you it's much appreciated., worked perfectly.

I have found a lot of small features (or non-features as far as the Dictionary goes) that i don't think '08 matches up to '04 on but all in all it seems good.

John McGhie

Actually, that's an "improvement" :)

You should not use "blank lines" for spacing in a Word document. If you do,
in longer documents you cannot get proper control of your pagination and

So Word has helpfully added space to the Normal style, which is how we are
"supposed" to do it.

If you can get out of the habit of using blank lines, you will find
documents are a lot easier to work on.


Hey, thanks a lot to the both of you it's much appreciated., worked perfectly.

I have found a lot of small features (or non-features as far as the Dictionary
goes) that i don't think '08 matches up to '04 on but all in all it seems

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John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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