Microsoft Word Email Doesn't Work!



Please tell me how to activate my email in the File Menu (Send To). It isn't


How do I find my answers to this question. I have clicked onto the question
mark, I have clicked onto the symbol left of question, I have clicked on
"go". I still cannot bring up my answers to my question, so therefore you
did not help me. I have visited your message group twice and never been able
to get any results. Can't find the anwers to my question. Please write and
tell my in simple English how to use this board. Thank you, froglady.


froglady said:
How do I find my answers to this question. I have clicked onto the
question mark, I have clicked onto the symbol left of question, I have
clicked on
"go". I still cannot bring up my answers to my question, so therefore you
did not help me. I have visited your message group twice and never been
to get any results. Can't find the anwers to my question. Please write
tell my in simple English how to use this board. Thank you, froglady.

The MAIN problem you are having is that you are using a cruddy web interface
to access a NEWSGROUP.
Set up Outlook Express (assuming you are not behind a corporate firewall) to
read news. See here:
Newsgroup Configuration

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