Microsoft word for windows ID 31004-267-0164584


martin kessler

I'm hoping to find someone in the world who can help me
with the preview feature in Word 6.

I think 6 was the best word program ever written and
anything following went downhill attempting to incorporate
too many useless features, if not rarely used.

The preview in 6 showed the entire document, not as in
Microsoft word 2000, where the preview feature is a narrow
sliver of the page and one is constantly scrolling to read
the item being previewed.

I was able to use both programs in my system but recently
as I try to preview a "Find File" document I get
a "insufficient memory" message and I'm stuck.

I called Microsoft and wuld be glad to pay then $35 if
they could find someone in the bowles of that great
organization who could troubleshoot the problem. But
whoever coded 6 must have since retired, I suppose. But
surely, there may still be an employee who remembers 6 and
can help.

I will pray

p.s. I hope I'm in the right "pew" there are so
many "help" options I may need help with help!

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