Hi Daiya:
Yes, I have tried it. Mac Word 2004 is quite comfortable with a Word 2003
Normal provided you remove the extension from the file name. Use File>Open
from within Word to open the file when you get it to your Mac, add and
remove a space character, then save the Normal file (to write the Mac file
type and creator code into it). Word will then just use it.
If you have macros in it, you may get a compile error on some of them, but
that's not a big issue. Delete the macros/or statements in error.
The formatted AutoCorrects and the AutoText entries will be no problem.
They will just work.
The Unformatted autocorrect entries *are* a problem: Office 2004 uses a
common Microsoft Office ACL [English] file in
The content of that file is not entirely plain text. So I do not believe
that you can bring your PC ACL list across. It would do no harm to try
Re-name the default Microsoft Office ACL [English] file, copy the PC one in
its place, and rename it to exactly "Microsoft Office ACL [English]"
preserving the capitalisation and with no extension.
The worst that will happen is that the Autocorrect function will be disabled
or Word will crash when you try to open it. If that happens, delete the
file you bought across and re-name the old one back
Hope this helps
Little_Creature, have you tried this? I'm superstitious about trying to
force a Normal created by WinWord into MacWord. There are minor
differences, for instance, WinWord uses Normal.dot and MacWord refuses
to use the extension for Normal. What about putting it into Word's
startup folder to be a global template?
Partha--Normal.dot holds the default settings for new documents, which
are easy enough to reset. It also holds macros and keyboard shortcuts
you may have created. If some of the AutoCorrects you created were
*formatted*, then those are stored in Normal.dot. Otherwise, the
AutoCorrects are in a separate file altogether and hopefully John McGhie
will come along and tell you if you can do anything to migrate them.
And welcome to the Mac!
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Business Analyst, Consultant
Technical Writer.
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410