Migration from Single Server to Server Farm


Jason Short


We have been evaluting PS2007 for some time now and would like to move away
from our existing setup, which is single server, to a Server Farm environment.

We have SQL and MOSS servers already in existance and these both reside on
their own physical hardware platforms.

I am armed with both of the msProjectExperts books for reference and I have
printed out the Microsoft Technet document for Deployments at


Is there any other documentation that would be useful when migrating from
Single Server to Server Farm?

Many thanks

Didier Maignan - Interprojet

HI jason

Did you succeeded ?
Do you confirm if changing EPM server 2007 to 2007 (with Project Workspace)
was possible with technet documentation ? we found some difficulties and
would like to know if you overpass them.

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