David H.
What is the Best Practice recommendation for Migrating Data from one
Environment to Another. We have a Test & PROD Environment. After going
through a pilot deployment, users do not want to lose project data. Also, we
would like not to have to re-enter all of the configuratoin such as
Enterprise Codes, RBS, Users, Skills that were entered into our TEST
Environment. Recommendations would be appreciated.
If this is possible, what data is / is not copied / migrated. I assume you
could simply restore the Test Database(s) to PROD ?
Environment to Another. We have a Test & PROD Environment. After going
through a pilot deployment, users do not want to lose project data. Also, we
would like not to have to re-enter all of the configuratoin such as
Enterprise Codes, RBS, Users, Skills that were entered into our TEST
Environment. Recommendations would be appreciated.
If this is possible, what data is / is not copied / migrated. I assume you
could simply restore the Test Database(s) to PROD ?