Mileage chart

  • Thread starter Blissfully Ignorant
  • Start date

Blissfully Ignorant

I have a list of "circuits", and to make it simple I'll say all the circuits
are 5 miles long, that need to be trimmed. (circuits100-200) A crew can trim
1.64 miles per day. And we are charged $2000.00 per mile. How do I make a
chart that will show when the project is complete and how much each task
(circuit) is costing?

Thanks for the help, all I found was tracking by time to trim and hourly
rate per crew, not tracking by miles to be trimmed and mileage rate.
Also, there are 8 crews with 4 crews working on 2 separate circuits each at
the same time.

Blissfully Ignorant

Just to reiterate:

I have 8 crews that I am charged a bid rate of $2000 per mile for, not an
hourly rate. They can trim 1.64 miles per week / per crew (not per day,
sorry about the mistake). They split up and trim s circuits at once.
I have listed the circuits as tasks and added a column with total miles in
the circuit. Just to keep it simple I'll say all circuits are 5 miles long.
I am looking for my project scheduler to show when the 8 crews will be
finished with the circuits if the start date is April 1 2009 and how much
money has been spent "to date" while they are trimming said circuits.
Don't know if this helps but I read my first post and thought it sounded a
little confusing.


It's still not crystal clear but let's start the ball rolling.

If a crew can trim 1.64 miles per week then the duration for completely
trimming each circuit is that "circuit length"/1.64 weeks.

Now if you enter all of your circuits as tasks (trim circuit 1, trim
circuit 2 etc) with their corresponding durations, you can assign crews
to each of them and level to find out the time it will take to complete
the work. This will also give you a schedule for the work.

The cost of this work is "total circuit length" * $2000.

The total time of the work (if I've understood correctly and with a few
assumptions about the granularity of the work and the efficiency with
which it is carried out) is roughly "total circuit length" / 1.64 / 8.

Blissfully Ignorant

Thanks for the response Dave. I guessed correctly about the duration as you
stated below and have that on my project. And I have done as you suggested
in the second paragraph. (Assigning each circuit as a task, adding their
durations, and then from the TASK INFORMATION's Resource tab adding crews
from a generic resource list of crews that I set up.) Now how do I do the
leveling that you refer to?


Tools, level resources.

If you look at the Resource Usage view you will see that certain crews
are simultaneously assigned to more than 1 circuit. That is clearly
unfeasible. Levelling (with some work on your part) will fix this for
you and ensure that each crew will only work the permitted number of
hours in any given interval.

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