Milestone Filter




I am having a problem with the "milestone" type filters (filters that use "milestone").

I use a MASTER project that has several individual projects inserted/linked to it. When I run a "milestone" filter it does not always pick up everything unless I expand each individual project before I run it. Am I doing something wrong or is this the way that the filter is supposed to work?

Thanks in advance :)



With inserted projects, the file which contains the inserted project is not
opened until the project is expanded. I believe this was done so that large
projects would open quickly and wouldn't open the inserted projects until
the user needed to work with them. Since those un-expanded individual
projects are not really open, the filter will not find any tasks in them.

The solution is to click on the expand all button (sometimes more than once
if you have multiple levels of inserted projects) and then run your filter.


Justine said:

I am having a problem with the "milestone" type filters (filters that use "milestone").

I use a MASTER project that has several individual projects
inserted/linked to it. When I run a "milestone" filter it does not always
pick up everything unless I expand each individual project before I run it.
Am I doing something wrong or is this the way that the filter is supposed to

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