milestone gantt



I have a gantt that has only milestones. Some of them are 100% complete.
The sumary line of the activities/gantt shows 0% complete.
Why can't I see the part that is complete - if 3 are complete out of 10, why
don't I see 30%??

Mike Glen

Hi assaf1978,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

The summary task Duration shows the number of working days between the start
of the first task to the end of the last task. Milestones by definition
consume no time or resources (one could argue that they're not even Tasks).
If you create a schedule with no tasks and no work, Project doesn't know how
to handle it. What you have told it is that 3 milestones have 100% of the
Duration allotted to them as being complete. As milestones consume no time,
100 %Complete is rather an anomaly in the timeline. It is thus difficult
for Project to summarize %Complete overall, if nothing has been done. The
best it can do is to show 100%Complete when all the milestones have been
100%Complete, but progress towards this is not computed as no time has been
consumed. I'm sure someone else can give you a better explanation, but
that's how I see it!

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials


this Hi

From responses of Mike and Trevor you know that since Milestones have no
duration Summary will show 0% complete.

A way to go about this could be to yourself input data for 'Physical %
complete'. So, if 3 milestones are complete you may yourself input this data
as 3% complete. Then if you want to show this data on the Gantt chart,
customise your bar area to show 'Physical % complete' data alongside the bars
instead of '% complete'.

I hope this helps.

Jim Aksel [MVP]

You can automate this as well using a number field. In one number field,
place a formula IF %Complete=100 then write a 1 to the number field,
otherwise write a 0. For Summary tasks on that column have it give you the
Sum. In another Number field on the summary tasks have it give you the sum
divided by the count of tasks below it.

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