Milo: Moving Outlook contacts to OE



I use Outlook 2003 for 90% of what I do, but I do use OE as a nicer interface
for a few Hotmail and other accounts that I use for specific purposes (ie: my
theater group).

I'd like to import my Contacts from Outlook into each OE identity, but I'm
not having any luck finding an easy way.

Do I have to export Outlook's contacts as `Comma Separated Values(Windows)`
and then import the file that way? Or is there some easier and more accurate


Milo-in-San-Diego said:
I use Outlook 2003 for 90% of what I do, but I do use OE as a nicer
interface for a few Hotmail and other accounts that I use for specific
purposes (ie: my theater group).

I'd like to import my Contacts from Outlook into each OE identity, but I'm
not having any luck finding an easy way.

Do I have to export Outlook's contacts as `Comma Separated
and then import the file that way? Or is there some easier and more
accurate way?

AFAIK you can import Outlook Contacts from within OE......


I have looked at that. I haven't found the WAY to do it.
When I choose import, none of the options mention Outlook.
I seem to remember something about MS Exchange being the way,
but that looks for a PAB file and, as far as I know, Outlook is all stored
in PST files. If there's something I have to do in Outlook such that
OE will recognize the files in Outlook, I'll do that.

David Webb

You may be able to share the Contacts listing with a simple registry hack. See
this link for details:

To share Contacts between Outlook and Outlook Express

Be aware that any changes/deletions made in OE will also affect Contacts.

| I have looked at that. I haven't found the WAY to do it.
| When I choose import, none of the options mention Outlook.
| I seem to remember something about MS Exchange being the way,
| but that looks for a PAB file and, as far as I know, Outlook is all stored
| in PST files. If there's something I have to do in Outlook such that
| OE will recognize the files in Outlook, I'll do that.
| "Gordon" wrote:
| > Milo-in-San-Diego wrote:
| >
| > > I use Outlook 2003 for 90% of what I do, but I do use OE as a nicer
| > > interface for a few Hotmail and other accounts that I use for specific
| > > purposes (ie: my theater group).
| > >
| > > I'd like to import my Contacts from Outlook into each OE identity, but I'm
| > > not having any luck finding an easy way.
| > >
| > > Do I have to export Outlook's contacts as `Comma Separated
| > > Values(Windows)`
| > > and then import the file that way? Or is there some easier and more
| > > accurate way?
| >
| > AFAIK you can import Outlook Contacts from within OE......
| >
| > --
| > Gordon Burgess-Parker
| > Interim Systems and Management Accounting
| >
| >

Brian Tillman

Milo-in-San-Diego said:
I have looked at that. I haven't found the WAY to do it.
When I choose import, none of the options mention Outlook.
I seem to remember something about MS Exchange being the way,
but that looks for a PAB file and, as far as I know, Outlook is all
stored in PST files. If there's something I have to do in Outlook
such that
OE will recognize the files in Outlook, I'll do that.

Exporting from Outlook as a CSV would be one way. If your Outlook supports
exporting to a PAB, that would be another.

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