Milo: "Required Field" on form working differently on different p



I have two very similar forms on different pages in my FP2003 site.
Each has a required field on it.

On screen A, if they miss that box or put an invalid entry in, a little box
pops up saying something like 'Please enter a value equal to XYZ in the
SecurityEntry field". The user can click OK and make the correction.

On screen B, if they miss that box or put an invalid entry in, they are
taken to another page with "/_vti_bin/shtml.exe" in the middle of the URL.
It has a white background that says "Form Validation Error". They are still
given the correct error message, but when they return to the form, all their
entries are gone.

Method A is MUCH more user friendly, but I can't figure out what I've done
differently between the two. Any help would be appreciated!

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