Min Value in a Table



I have a spreadsheet that has 2 columns of data - the
first column being the employee name and the other being
the time of day the employee starts. This spreadsheet is
broken into 3 section, therefore the employee can be
listed in section 1 and start at 2:00pm and then be listed
in section 3 and start at 4:00pm. I need to look up each
employee on the entire spreadsheet and find their minimum
starting time. For example:

Employee Time
Kathy 10:00am
Matt 2:00pm

Kathy 3:00pm
Matt 3:00pm

Kathy 5:00pm
Matt 4:00pm

The results I need are: Kathy Minimum start - 10:00am
Matt Minimum start - 2:00pm

I tried doing a Min within a VLookup and haven't had any
luck. Any suggestions?

Dan E


You could use use
Array Entered (control + shift + enter)

Dan E


That works!

-----Original Message-----

You could use use
Array Entered (control + shift + enter)

Dan E


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