Francis Hookham
A workbook named 'DoorSchedule.xls' is used by others on different PCs. It
includes macros which close its own named worksheets and opens and arranges
two at a time as required for each particular situation.
When DoorSchedule is opened
Option Explicit
Sub create_menubar()
End Sub
generates the toolbar for the workbook containg buttons to arrange the
windows. However, running these window arranging macrosresults in errors if
there are other windows open.
At first I though any other workbooks would have to be closed but I find it
is sufficient to make sure the worksheets of other workbooks are minimised.
1 Can you suggest a macro which would minimise worksheets of any
other workbooks than those of DoorSchedule?
2 I should also like the option of saving and closing any other
Francis Hookham
includes macros which close its own named worksheets and opens and arranges
two at a time as required for each particular situation.
When DoorSchedule is opened
Option Explicit
Sub create_menubar()
End Sub
generates the toolbar for the workbook containg buttons to arrange the
windows. However, running these window arranging macrosresults in errors if
there are other windows open.
At first I though any other workbooks would have to be closed but I find it
is sufficient to make sure the worksheets of other workbooks are minimised.
1 Can you suggest a macro which would minimise worksheets of any
other workbooks than those of DoorSchedule?
2 I should also like the option of saving and closing any other
Francis Hookham