You can also Use XML
See this page for a example
In the XML examples (number 2)
you can find a dictator example
<customUI xmlns="">
<!-- **************************************************************************-->
<!-- ****Disable 'Exit Excel' and 'Excel Options' on the Office button menu****-->
<!-- **************************************************************************-->
<!-- Disable Excel Options on the Office button menu-->
<command idMso="ApplicationOptionsDialog" enabled="false"/>
<!-- Disable Exit Excel on the Office button menu-->
<command idMso="FileExit" enabled="false"/>
<!-- *******************************************************************-->
<!-- **********Set startFromScratch to true to hide the ribbon**********-->
<!-- **********Hide New, Open and Save on the Office button menu********-->
<!-- *******************************************************************-->
<!-- Set startFromScratch to true to hide the ribbon-->
<ribbon startFromScratch="true">
<!-- startFromScratch="true" hides all of the ribbon tabs and it hides the QAT. -->
<!-- It also hides most of the commands on the Office button menu, but for some -->
<!-- reason, it does not hide the 'New', 'Open' and 'Save' commands. -->
<!-- So if you want to hide them you have to add this to your RibbonX file: -->
<button idMso="FileNew" visible="false"/>
<button idMso="FileOpen" visible="false"/>
<button idMso="FileSave" visible="false" />
<!-- You can add xml here to create your own custom tab on the ribbon-->
Regards Ron de Bruin
Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB) said:
Minimize the Ribbon? Do you mean *hide* the Ribbon? If you execute this
ExecuteExcel4Macro "SHOW.TOOLBAR(""Ribbon"", False)"
in the Workbook_Open event, and if the user Enables Macros, then the Ribbon
will be *hidden* at startup. If you ever want to bring it back via code,
change the False to True.