Minimize a Form to the Right


Kevin K

Is there a way to minimize a form to the lower right
corner of the screen instead of the lower left? Minimized
screens are getting in the way of print preview nav bar.

If there is a way to minimize to the right, will Restore
still return it to its default size and location?

Cheryl Fischer

I don't believe you can do that, Kevin. You could possibly use the .Hide
and .Show methods. Here is the example from VBA Help:

The following example assumes two UserForms in a program. In UserForm1's
Initialize event, UserForm2 is loaded and shown. When the user clicks
UserForm2, it is hidden and UserForm1 appears. When UserForm1 is clicked,
UserForm2 is shown again.

' This is the Initialize event procedure for UserForm1
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Load UserForm2
End Sub

' This is the Click event of UserForm2
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
End Sub

' This is the click event for UserForm1
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
End Sub


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