Minimum column width you can do on Word?



I was wondering what is the minimum column width we can create on a table?
It keeps on defaulting to .13 and I am currently trying to get it to .125. I
enter .125, but it always returns to .13. Any help would be great


In Word 2003, I can get it down to .02", but it will only do two decimal



1 pixel. Word's internal measurements get rounded, so you can't normally go
to three decimal places anyway. You don't say what units your 0.125
represents. On my display, 1 pixel = 0.3mm. Any smaller value is set to


My units are in inches . . . so that's .13 of an inch that it defaults to. I
can't seem to get any smaller than that.


0.13 in is pretty close to 0.3mm, so I guess it's one pixel on your machine
too. The units you display are not the units Word uses internally, anyway --
try changing your units to pixel and see what happens.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

To get smaller than that you need to set your cell margins to 0" (and reduce
font size).

Charles Kenyon

Doing that, I was able to get a cell width of .03 inches. I didn't try
printing it but was looking on screen at 500% and could not discern any
difference if I went to .02.


By resetting the cell margins to 0cm I am able to create a table with columns
of 0.04cm each. Any attempt to make them smaller (e.g. 0.02cm) results in
them returning to 0.04cm. Not that you can put anything into such narrow
columns anyways! When creating the table (using the default options) the
minimum width for a column appears to be 0.42cm.

There are no minimum values for tables listed in the operating parameters
article on MSKB. The document only refers to maximum width of tables and
maximum number of columns. It also says it refers to Word 2000, but when you
search for Word 2002 this article is also listed. Might be helpful?;en-us;211489

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