Misc. Symbols



Somehow my Word began adding misc. symbols when I am typing in a document.
For example, when I hit the space bar a "dot" appears; or when I hit the
return key and "new paragraph" editing symbol appears. So, my document ends
up with thousands of these misc. symbols which makes it difficult to edit my
work. When I print the document the symbols aren't there.......Can anyone
help me with this???

Jean-Guy Marcil

Rondo said:
Somehow my Word began adding misc. symbols when I am typing in a document.
For example, when I hit the space bar a "dot" appears; or when I hit the
return key and "new paragraph" editing symbol appears. So, my document ends
up with thousands of these misc. symbols which makes it difficult to edit my
work. When I print the document the symbols aren't there.......Can anyone
help me with this???

These non-printing characters are very useful when editing. They let you see
all non-breaking spaces, tab characters, regular spaces, soft returns, hard
returns, etc.

I always work with those on. It can take a little while to get used to them,
but once you do get used to them, you can't work without them.. at least, I
can't! (Whenever some one calls me over to help them with something they are
doing in Word, the firt thing I do is display these characters... and more
than half of the time this is enough to show them where they have gone

If you are going to do any serious work with Word, it is a good idea to
learn to work with them..

Meanwhile, to turn them on/off, use the ¶ button on the tool bar...

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