Miscellaneous Communications 9.3GB left to transmit 30 Bytes left



I am new to groove support and have a key user whose Groove communication is
getting stuck. All my test indicates that the PC is communicating correctly
on the network and we Groove. I have tried the clean groove which has not
worked and am reluctant to try the clean groove all as the user has a number
of workspaces that need to be synchronised. Can anyone offer any advise on
how to proceed or and how easy or what do i need to back to get a user back
working if i use the clean groove all command?

Sara Xue

Hi forehandlooper,

I think if we perform the GrooveClean-all this issue can be resolved. The
detailed steps are the following:

1. Log into Groove using the account you plan to save.
2. From the Options menu, choose Preferences, go the Account tab, and
click the Save Account As File... button to create an account file. Save the
file to your computer. If you have any workspaces in which you are the only
member, please Save the workspace as an archive file.
3. Log off the Groove account.
4. Right-click on the Groove icon in the system tray, and choose Exit
5. Click the Windows Start button and choose Run.
6. Browse to C:\Program Files\Groove Networks\Groove\Bin and choose
7. In the Run box, add "-all" to the end of the command line, so it reads:
"C:\Program Files\Groove Networks\Groove\Bin\GrooveClean.exe" -all
8. Click OK.

WARNING: Running GrooveClean with the "-all" argument deletes all accounts
and workspace data. After this command, we can use the saved Account backup
file to restore the workspaces and re-download the data to your account.

Now, please restart your computer and restart Groove. Please refer to the
following article to restore the saved account and download the data back:

Restore account:

Downloading workspace data from another computer or workspace member

Test this isuse agian. Is this issue resolved?

Hope this can do any help.

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