misplaced product ID


Hugh Epley

I have misplaced my Office 2003 onenote product serial number and can't
reinstall the onenote program. Can anyone help me?

Kip Kniskern

If you have a copy of One Note on your computer currently, and can get to
Help>About, the product key is listed there. Of course this doesn't help if
you've uninstalled or reformatted already....


Chris H.

I didn't post that, Chris, Kip did. However, I can see you're using the
web-based newsgroup interface instead of a news reader, so I can see how the
threading may be goofed up.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Chad Harris


I just ran Belarc Adviser, and under "Software Licenses" I was able to get a
listing of all the product keys for each MOS 2003 program, and Office
associated program like Visio and One Note. I highly recommend it--it
quickly scans your computer for a good deal of information and prints it
neatly and quickly. I then recommend that you save it as an .mht and drag a
shortcut from its title bar, print it, keep a copy offsite, and copy the
contents of the scan and paste it in an email to yourself. That way, it's
always available to you.



If you had to do a repair install because you couldn't boot to Windows for
example, it would ask for your product key during a Windows XP setup and
that would be there as well as your Office app keys, including the product
key for every Windows, Linux or whatever OS you had installed on your box.


Chad Harris


I have misplaced my Office 2003 onenote product serial number and can't
reinstall the onenote program. Can anyone help me?

Chad Harris

I should have said that Belarc Advisor will print out both the Product ID
and the Product key so you will have both at your disposal and can supply it
whatever the situation.

Chad Harris


I just ran Belarc Adviser, and under "Software Licenses" I was able to get a
listing of all the product keys for each MOS 2003 program, and Office
associated program like Visio and One Note. I highly recommend it--it
quickly scans your computer for a good deal of information and prints it
neatly and quickly. I then recommend that you save it as an .mht and drag a
shortcut from its title bar, print it, keep a copy offsite, and copy the
contents of the scan and paste it in an email to yourself. That way, it's
always available to you.



If you had to do a repair install because you couldn't boot to Windows for
example, it would ask for your product key during a Windows XP setup and
that would be there as well as your Office app keys, including the product
key for every Windows, Linux or whatever OS you had installed on your box.


Chad Harris


I have misplaced my Office 2003 onenote product serial number and can't
reinstall the onenote program. Can anyone help me?

Chad Harris

I *should have said since you were clear you're trying to install and that's
when most of are hit by a misplaced product key that of course One Note has
to be on a machine for Belarc to get the Product ID and key.* I didn't want
you to think I was *lecturing you after the fact* because that was the last
thing I would do. The first time I had to reinstall Win XP I had a 24 hour
for its product key, looking through all the places I kept moving it too
because each time I thought of a better place and I vowed to put them in one
place and I also email every product key and product ID to myself now
including the Belarc printouts.

Here's how you get it back in. Along the lines of that KB Kip linked, call
MSFT with your CD handy. Try to have as much of the other info on that KB
on hand. What I've seen them ask you for most of the time is the *Part # on
that One Note CD*. They will assign you one that works.

Chad Harris

I have misplaced my Office 2003 onenote product serial number and can't
reinstall the onenote program. Can anyone help me?


I'm just about Chrissed out here. :) Let's see what was
the topic again? ;) oh yea it's coming back to me
now. :) Just kidding guys.


Kip Kniskern

Oops about Part A of my posts (this is Kip here, not any of the myriad
Chris'!) In my zeal to provide an answer I forgot the difference between
the Product Key and the Product ID. Silly me. Well at least I got Part B
right. I have never had to use the service myself, but I do know of people
who were happy to find that MS was willing to help them out of a jam.


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