Missing a Cell




I'm now trying to do a source of infomation for a series line on a line
graph. Thing is, I need it to miss out one of the cells in its calculation.
How can I go about doing this?


Select a contiguous set of data and establish your chart then gointo <chart
<source data><series. and add onto the end of the data rage the cells you
addtinally want to plot. The easiest way to add them is to enter a comma and
then use the cursor to drag over the cells you want to add.

Or you can just hide the rows or columns with the cells you don't want to
show and generate your charts as though they weren't there.

There are still more ways to do it but it will depend on what type of charts
and what everything has to look like ultimately will influence the "best "
way to handle the situation.


No...There IS information there, but I do not want to take the information in
that cell into account.


I am not sure what you are asking for.

if you want a blank spot in the chart for a no data point got to
<tools><options><chart> and select not plotted for enpty cells.

If you want something Else, more description please.

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