Missing Bookmarks - A Bug?


Tom O'Neill

Designed a rather large form-based VBA Word2003 WinXP template, utilizing 45
bookmarks in 5 sections of the document. After saving the template with
bookmarks NOT shown, I opened a new document based on the custom template.
When I chose to view the bookmarks once again, only 7 bookmarks of the
original 45 were left, both showing on the document and in the "Insert
Bookmark" dialog box. In my original design, in all but one of the sections,
the bookmarks were all on the same line with only 1 space between them. Is
this a "no-no" for VBA? I have since rebuilt the template placing a space
and a carriage return after each bookmark, to give them some breathing room.
Hope this works. Any ideas as to why my first template got trashed?


Did some of your bookmarks have names that began with an underscore? If so,
they show up in the Insert Bookmarks list only if you check the 'Hidden
bookmarks' checkbox.

Tom O'Neill

No underscores, just full alpha names.
Jezebel said:
Did some of your bookmarks have names that began with an underscore? If so,
they show up in the Insert Bookmarks list only if you check the 'Hidden
bookmarks' checkbox.


Tom O'Neill

Did not lose the bookmarks when inserting text. However, after each dry run
with the template, I Ctrl-Z'd several times to get rid of the inserted text,
but was very careful not to delete the bookmarks. But I read a MS Knowledge
Base article recently that showed that Word2000(?) had problems with
bookmarks when several levels of Undo/Redo were used, but the problems
usually occurred at the end of the document, not throughout it. Who knows,
maybe Word2003 has inherited to fluke?

Regards, Tom

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