We have a user who is set up to auto accept calendar
items. His secretary sent him 5 items (4 all day event, 1
specific time) for the same day. Only 3 of the items show
up, two of the All Day Events do not show on his
calendar. They do show up on the secretaries calendar and
in the Message Tracking the log for those message shows
that the message was delivered. I checked his deleted
items and do not see it there. On the calendar items that
he did recieve Outlook shows that 1 attendie accepted. On
the ones he did not recieve Outlook shows no responses
have been sent.
We are not scanning the M: drive with any antivirus
software. If I look in Catagory view I do not see those
appointments either.
What is going on here?
items. His secretary sent him 5 items (4 all day event, 1
specific time) for the same day. Only 3 of the items show
up, two of the All Day Events do not show on his
calendar. They do show up on the secretaries calendar and
in the Message Tracking the log for those message shows
that the message was delivered. I checked his deleted
items and do not see it there. On the calendar items that
he did recieve Outlook shows that 1 attendie accepted. On
the ones he did not recieve Outlook shows no responses
have been sent.
We are not scanning the M: drive with any antivirus
software. If I look in Catagory view I do not see those
appointments either.
What is going on here?