Missing connectors menu



I'm using Office XP/Word and trying to do a flowchart. Problem is that
when I try to access the sub-menu 'connectors' from autoshapes it is
greyed out. I have tried re-installing absolutely everything but it
is still not there. Is this an add-in that I can download from
somewhere? I have also searched the Microsoft site without success.
Help would be appreciated.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You have to enable the drawing canvas (Tools | Options | General) in order
to use connectors.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site: http://www.mvps.org/word
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Audrey,

To add to Suzanne's reply you can use
Insert=>Picture=>New Drawing to create a drawing
canvas (replacement for the MS Draw add-in) in Word.

You can drag or cut and paste any autoshapes you've
already created for your flowchart into the drawing canvas
so you can add the active connectors.

I'm using Office XP/Word and trying to do a flowchart. Problem is that
when I try to access the sub-menu 'connectors' from autoshapes it is
greyed out. I have tried re-installing absolutely everything but it
is still not there. Is this an add-in that I can download from
somewhere? I have also searched the Microsoft site without success.
Help would be appreciated.
Audrey >>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

The Office 2003 System parts explained


Thanks, Suzanne. When I checked,the drawing canvas was actually
enabled by default but connectors menu was still greyed out. Thank
you for your help.


Thanks, Bob. I followed your advice and can actually find the
connectors menu by using the insert command. Your help was

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