Missing Data in Union Query



I'm combining responses from two different surveys. The two select queries I
specify in the union query work as expected when individually executed. The
union seems to drop data for a series of questions. If we can make the
assumption I have listed the same number of fields in each select and the
order and data types are the same, I'm trying to figure out what is going
wrong in combining the data sets. I'm happy to post the SQL, but to try and
keep it simple, this might provide some info:

SurveyA has Q.16a-g (seven questions), and SurveyB has Q.16a-h (eight
questions). The SELECT for SurveyA specifies seven fields for the answers,
followed by eight more fields assigned a null. Likewise, SurveyB specifies
seven null-assigned fields (same names as from SurveyA), followed by eight
fields for the survey responses.

For records from SurveyA, the UNION displays seven data-filled fields for
the answers from SurveyA followed by eight empty fields (then continues with
the remainder of the record), but for records from SurveyB, I get 15 empty
fields followed by the continuance of the record.

The UNION query specifies SurveyA fields first, then SurveyB fields (if this

Any help will be much appreciated - Thanks in advance!



Jerry, I know you've heard this before, but "YOU ARE THE MAN!!"

I've been reading about the use of the "ALL" modifier, but it didn't seem
relevant (or required) for my situation. Looks like I was wrong (AGAIN!!)

Thank you very much,

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