missing data


Chris Benning

I seem to be having trouble with data disappearing. We are using
Access 2000; I have set up 4 back-end databases that are connected
through single front-end over a network connection between 3 buildings
across the city. There may be 5-7 people using the single front-end
at any time. The problem is we seem to be losing data from records
that have been updated either through a query or on a form in the
front-end. This is not happening all the time but I keep getting
complaints that "I know I added this, or that, and when we went back
to it later it was not there"- it has happened to me too. Could it be
that the single front-end being used by multiple people at one time
may be the cause? There is no possibility of anyone entering data in
the same field over the other person, so that is not the problem. Has
anyone heard of this missing data problem or have any other ideas of
what might be causing it and a way to fix it?

Steve Schapel


I don't know whether this is the cause of your disappearing data. But
having multiple users on the same frontend is not a good idea. It
would be very highly recommended for each user to have their own
separate copy of the frontend installed on their local machine.

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

Chris Benning


Thanks for your input.

Whether this is the cause of my missing data or not, I have been
unable to convince our Systems Department to allow me to install
copies of the front-end on everyone's local machines. Well that is
until now, with your response to the post I was able to get my point
across and I will now be able to install copies on everyone machine.
One headache removed and this seems like the most logical answer to
the issue that I have come up with - we will see if it helps.

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