missing .dll file for command buttons


David Grisham

With the conversion from NT to XP we're having random
occurances where command buttons on startup forms no
longer work. The error message indicates a .dll file is
missing. In some cases simply having a system
administrator sign onto the PC and attempt to open the
database will cause the .dll file to load from the
network. In some cases this doesn't work. The error
message does not tell us the .ddl file name nor does the
reload fix. Any way to determine which .dll file(s)
support the command button on click routine?

Douglas J. Steele

There isn't a .dll associated with command buttons and their OnClick event,
so there must be something else going on.

Next time you get this problem, switch to the Debug window (using Ctrl-G).
From the menu bar, select Tools | References, and see whether any of the
ones with check marks are marked as MISSING.

David Grisham


Thanks for your reply.

Here's the message we're getting:
The expression onclick you entered as the event property
setting produced the following error: error in
loading .dll file.

When the network administrator logs on to the machine and
attempts to open the Northwind database a file or files
are downloaded from our network install location. However
we now have experienced several occurances where this fix
doesn't work.

The same thing is happening on a generic database menu
switchboard that has ole objects that point to various

David Grisham

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