Microsoft does not "moderate" these groups, except to remove inappropriate
material, such as spam, virus messages, ads, etc. Removing a post just
because someone is being a total idiot is not within their purvue.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.
After searching and finding no answer, Bob Eyster asked:
| FYI,
| I have also reported it to Microsoft but it appears that haven't don't
| anything about it. YET.
| Bob Eyster
| || ps
|| As Cerridwin is daft enough to use an e-mail address that is of a
|| legitimate domain in Ireland ( - domain IP address
|| Postal address 19A Rosemount Park Drive , Ballycoolin,
|| Dublin 15) I have been compelled to report the abuse behaviour to
|| them instead of simply running a full trace to the doorstep (I
|| really can't be bothered with such a simple task!)
|| As they say in the US have a nice day
||| o)
|| ||| Cerridwen
||| You seem to lack essential people skills or did your mother forget
||| to was your mouth out with soap.
||| If you have nothing other than abuse to offer, why not go to one of
||| the binary newgroups that show nothing more than trash.
||| Ps Yes I have heard of Google and YES I am glad you don't work for
||| my company. You would not last long there as we don't tollerate
||| idiots!!
||| |||| Darren wrote:
||||| Once rolled out to staff in my office, being creatures of habit,
||||| they will no doubt cry "where is the Office Shortcut Bar?"
||||| Any info that will assist me retain my sanity in advance is
||||| appreciated?
||||| Regards
||||| A very worried IT Staff Member who is already grey and going
||||| bald!!
|||| An IT staff member who's never heard of Google?! Glad I don't work
|||| for your company!
|||| Another lazy, moronic NSF. This was asked six times in the last 12
|||| hours. If you can't be bothered to search through 12 hours of
|||| posts, then I can't be bothered to assist you.
|||| Does your mother still wipe your arse for you too?!
|||| Or are you another who's spent the past 5 years and 8 months
|||| living in a cave?! You must be - Google appears to be an alien
|||| concept to you, too.