Missing Files, Picture Imports, Folders & Subfolders, Stationery


Adam Kochanowicz

One day, I opened up my OneNote and all my sections were gone. When I opened
them back up with the backup, each had "(backup)" next to them so I had to
rename them. Also, they were all under the general folder instead of
"Classes". I could not figure out how to move them, I would have thought it
would have been simple like moving files in Explorer.

To type around pictures in OneNote, I have to pull a few tricks to make it
look as if the text is wrapped around. Is there no option to wrap pictures
such as in Microsoft Word?

Again, with the folders and subfolders, it would have been more easy for me
if the folders were set up like Explorer, where documents and folders could
be moved and dragged over. Converting a folder/file layout to tab layout
makes this all very confusing and inoperable.

The stationery option is very confusing, How can I set a stationery for the
current page? Must I always create a new page just to preview the stationery?

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