Missing files



Last year I had to have an MS software engineer based in Houston fix problems
with my Access 2007. One thing she discovered was that my copy of Office 2007
did not contain the files DAO1 and DAO2 which are required to make the
automation and forms processes work properly in Access.

Does anyone know how I can obtain these files as the lady who helped me
before is no longer available?

Tom van Stiphout

On Sun, 30 May 2010 11:47:01 -0700, WST761

Do you know the exact filenames?
Does your project compile (Code window > Debug > Compile)?

Office 2007 came with a full complement of needed files. If two more
files were needed for YOUR project that may mean they are from older
versions and the code should be upgraded to 2007.

Microsoft Access MVP


Tom van Stiphout said:
On Sun, 30 May 2010 11:47:01 -0700, WST761

Do you know the exact filenames?
Does your project compile (Code window > Debug > Compile)?

Office 2007 came with a full complement of needed files. If two more
files were needed for YOUR project that may mean they are from older
versions and the code should be upgraded to 2007.

Microsoft Access MVP



The file names were in the original message - DAO1 and DAO2.

When I try the degugger nothing happens.

My databases were originally created in Office 2003. Apparently I need those
files in order to get the Switchboard working. I also have a list of
instructions given me on how to proceed after the DAO files are extracted and

Tom van Stiphout

On Sun, 30 May 2010 19:06:01 -0700, WST761

The reason I was asking for "exact filename" is because "DAO1" is not
a normal filename. Files typically have extensions, e.g. dao1.dll.

No, such files were not needed to get the Switchboard form as built
into Access 2003 to work. Anyone can create a custom form and call it
switchboard and program it such that it requires a specific file, but
we are assuming the standard built-in switchboard which does not
require this file. You can verify this by creating a new database,
create one empty form, and then step through the switchboard wizard to
create a menu option to open that form. This switchboard form would
work fine, even though you don't have the mystery files on your

Just curious: what evidence do you have these files are "apparently"
required? Are you getting specific error messages?

You didn't answer my question if the code did compile.

Microsoft Access MVP


What happen to the files after the MS software engineer fixed your problem?

Were they somehow deleted?

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