anoynmouse help needed
Hello, I am missing images in my microsoft word.
When I use XP and word 2007 and LINK the images I need to it, but open it up
in Vista Word 2007 , the images are missing
vica verser also implies. When I use Vista Word 2007 and LINK the images I
need, but open it up in XP word 2007, the images are missing.
anyone know the soltuion to this problem? thank you.
When I use XP and word 2007 and LINK the images I need to it, but open it up
in Vista Word 2007 , the images are missing
vica verser also implies. When I use Vista Word 2007 and LINK the images I
need, but open it up in XP word 2007, the images are missing.
anyone know the soltuion to this problem? thank you.