Missing Information



When I booted up my email on Outlook this morning, all of
my information was gone. I had to re-input my email
information, and I lost all of my personal folders and
saved emails. It worked fine last night, except for all
the sudden asking me to retype my password. Is there any
way to recover my folders and saved emails?


This is really depressing!! that is exactly the same
thing that happened to me (see "6 year info lost" posting
of july 29 6:48) started to ask me for a profile, which
i had never bothered with but in the absence of
my "handle" it has refused me access and i have had to
start a new profile. I have over 400 contacts, so i am
really reluctant to redo the whole thing.
but here is where it gets interesting. I can see a huge
700,000 kb file called Outlook Office Data file, but i
cannot reactivate or open it. Outlook tells me that it
a .pst file and does not know how to open it!!!

My system did me in some date like the 24th of July, so
it was before your problem. My thoughts so far are that
either microsoft issued an update, which i dutifully
downloaded, which has rendered my old outlook world
useless (hardly seems like a good marketing strategy on
their part) or there is some really nasty virus that some
of us are catching, and i usually have no virus problems.

Sorry that i can't give you help on your question, but if
enough band together, maybe some guru out there or a
microsoft techie will recognize this devastating problem
and come up with the good answer.

you will never know how painful it is to lose 6-years
worth of emails without any notice!

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Search your drive for files with a .PST extension. When you find them,
look at the dates and file sizes to decide which one is most likely to
be your main file, then open it in Outlook via File | Open. Note that
if you're using Windows 2000 or XP, you'll need to search in hidden and
system folders to find .PST files.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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