Missing Library


Jan Il

Hi all! :) Windows XP Pro, Excel 2002 XP

I have an application that was created in Excel 2000, and when I try to add
functions such Sum or Average, in a column, I am getting an error message
that says:

Can't find project library

When I click OK on this box, it open the VBA Reference box and highlights
the following with a check in the box next to:

Missing: Microsoft CDO 1.21 library

Details show it is looking for it in the C:\WINNT\system32\cdo.dll

I have 2 active drives in my computer, each with a different version of
C:\ = W2K
G:\ = WinXP Pro

I have run a repair of the Office 2002 XP to see if it might reinstall the
necessary library, however, it is still firing this error each time I try to
create specific functions in this app.

I have never had this kind of error before, and all the functions in Access
seem to be operating properly, thus, not sure what might be causing the
problem, and not sure why it is looking for a library in the wrong drive.

I'd truly appreciate any suggestions or information on this issue to help
sort it out. :)

Jan :)

Jan Il

Does anyone know where I might find these libraries to download them? I
have done a Detect and repair, and added components, yet, these libraries
are still marked Missing, and not available anywhere I can find. Even on my
C:\ drive. I have tried to locate the information on the Internet, but, so
far, I have not been able to find any information on these libraries.

I'd truly appreciate any information or suggestions.

Jan :)

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