I have been developing a quite complicated macro other the course of a few
I had it as a button in the menu's. Dring the weekend I opened project, went
to press the button and it was gone.
Opened up vba editor and the module was gone from the Global section.
I cannot find it anywhere. I have effectively lost the code.
Tried searching for the Global.mpt on the local computer and opening it. No
use, it doesn't list it.
The only other thing to happen during the week was that we had a test
version of project server which we took away during the week. But since I
always work offline I wouldn't have thought this would have any effect.
If anyone has any ideas or can help I would be very grateful as otherwide I
will have lost a fair chunk of work.
I had it as a button in the menu's. Dring the weekend I opened project, went
to press the button and it was gone.
Opened up vba editor and the module was gone from the Global section.
I cannot find it anywhere. I have effectively lost the code.
Tried searching for the Global.mpt on the local computer and opening it. No
use, it doesn't list it.
The only other thing to happen during the week was that we had a test
version of project server which we took away during the week. But since I
always work offline I wouldn't have thought this would have any effect.
If anyone has any ideas or can help I would be very grateful as otherwide I
will have lost a fair chunk of work.