Missing Menu and Tool bars when using MSVDM


Sean McGinnis


Has anyone else run in to a problem using Microsoft's Virtual Desktop
Manager and Excel? Excel opens just fine and looks normal. Then if I
switch desktops and switch back, Excel still has my workbook open but
the menu bar and the tool bars are gone. It's just the title bar and my

Tried things like Alt-F to see if the File menu would pop open even
though it is not visible, but no luck. Just wondering if anyone else has
run in to this and if you know how to get them back.



The problem of the toolbars vanishing does not happen if you minimize excel before switching desktops. Also, if the toolbar has already disappeared (say you forgot to minimize before switching), then you can get them back by minimizing the excel sheet, switching to a different desktop & then switching back to the original desktop.

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