Anybody experienced the "Menu Commands" group in the Add-Ins tab in Excel
2007 just not being there when you'd expect it to be there?
The "Custom Toolbars" group is there with the icons that I'd expect,
however, the associated pre-2007 menu commands group for the XLAs that relate
to those toolbars have disappeared.
It's definitely not the XLAs, as they work fine on another machine with
exactly the same version of Excel. The add-ins appear to have loaded
correctly when looking in the Add-Ins section in the Excel Options menu.
There are no 'Disabled Items' related to the add-ins.
I'm using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (12.0.6331.5000) SP1 MSO
2007 just not being there when you'd expect it to be there?
The "Custom Toolbars" group is there with the icons that I'd expect,
however, the associated pre-2007 menu commands group for the XLAs that relate
to those toolbars have disappeared.
It's definitely not the XLAs, as they work fine on another machine with
exactly the same version of Excel. The add-ins appear to have loaded
correctly when looking in the Add-Ins section in the Excel Options menu.
There are no 'Disabled Items' related to the add-ins.
I'm using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (12.0.6331.5000) SP1 MSO