Missing messages...AGAIN!!! HELP!!!!



Okay, I just don't get what's going on. This is the second time this has
happened and I know it was because I moved folders around but I didn't delete
them so i didn't think it would harm anything. Well, after moving the pst
folders from desktop to My documents all my messages were gone when I
reaccessed Outlook. Everything...AGAIN!. Luckily, after learning the first
time I saved my incoming messages on the server. I have found the pst I was
using but my messages are gone and I have no idea where to find them. The
first time this happened I called Microsoft support they said I had a
password on the pst and I knew for a fact I didn't set up one but they said I
did and there was nothing they could do until I figured out the password.
Well, that was going to be pretty hard to do since I never set up one. So I
searched the internet and downloaded the Atomic password recovery tool and it
worked. The password that came up was a random code with upper and
lowercass letters, nothing close to anything I would ever use because there
was no way I would use those letters or put them in a combination like they
were. I still have no idea how a password was set up without me actually
doing it. Anyway, it opened the pst but still no messages. The same thing
is happening now, I found all my pst's and still no messages only the ones
from a year and half ago. And these old messages appear in all the pst's
which is another weird thing because the new messages that are missing are
in a pst that I set up recently just for a specific email address but the
olds that shouldn't even be in this new pst are there but not the new

What's going on?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook

Calm down and get organised with what you tell us:

1. version of Outlook
2. platform (eg Exchange server)
3. step by step and in paragraphs explain what is going on
4 explain what you did

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

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