Missing Outlook 2007 Access Addin


Paul Patti


I am training to deploy Access 2007 based survey questionaires using Access
and Outlook 2007, on WIN XP SP2 Tablet PC Edition.

After creating the sample DB, I select Create Email from the Collect Data
slice of the Ribbon bar to prepare the Outlook operation by selcting the
address list to be used.

Instead of bringing up the next step of the wizard, I get an error screen
popup titled:

Microsoft Office Access

The message is:

The Microsoft Office Access Outlook Add-in is disabled in Microsoft Office
Outlook 2007. To collect data by using email messages in Microsoft Office
Access 2007, verify that this addin is installed and enabled from within
Office Outlook 2007.

I have verified in Trust Centre that the addin is not installed or enabled.

Now I have a mirror deployment device with exaclty the same software
installed which works as advertised, so on the assumption that I had deleted
the Addin, I commenced to google a download location or remedy - I have not
found either to date.


Can any one advise me of a download source and method to Reload the
Microsoft Office Access Outlook Add-in.

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