Missing Page Numbers



I am having a problem with Word 2003 pagination. Each time I attempt to
paginate my document, page 5 is consistently unnumbered. If I remove the
numbers and attempt to repage, sometimes pages 2 and 5 are missing, and
sometimes the document refuses to page at all. At times, it will put the
page numbers on the wrong side of the page (left instead of right). It
initially appeared to be something to do with the automatic Table of Contents
feature, so I removed the TOC. But now, it is refusing to page properly. I
have tried a copy and paste into a new document to see if it would solve the
problem, but that has not worked.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

By "unnumbered," I'm guessing you mean the number doesn't appear on the
page, not that the number is skipped. If my guess is correct, then the
document probably contains at least one section break, and you have
"Different first page" enabled and have not inserted a PAGE field in the
First Page Header/Footer. Or you've got "Different odd and even" enabled and
have put a PAGE field in the Odd Page Header/Footer but not the Even or vice

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