missing pages gone


Depressed Paul

This last week, I had two months worth of pages go missing on six separate
tabs. I tried to restore it, but the 2 days worth of backups contained the
same error. Is there any other way to recover my lost data? It's not in my
main OneNote folder either. Only thing I can think of is my notebook was
"not connected" but it had not been a problem until this week.

I desperately need my notes for finals next week. Any help would be

Erik Sojka (MVP)

There is no automated archive or purge, so it's not normal for pages to
disappear. If OneNote was not connected to the source of the Notebook,
that shouldn't cause data to disappear. OneNote will work from its local
cached copy until it can reconnect and sync its changes.

Was there a pattern you can detect to what was contained in those missing
pages? Were they all about the same topic or created at the same time? Is
it possible that they were moved? Have you done a last-ditch search for
words which you know were in those missing pages?

Where was the Notebook stored? If it was on a server at your company or
school, is there any chance you can request a restore?

Otherweise, I hate to be the bearer of bad news - if the pages did
disappear and are not found in the available backups, there's not much to
be done ;(

=?Utf-8?B?RGVwcmVzc2VkIFBhdWw=?= <Depressed
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in

Depressed Paul

Unfortunately, I believe the pages are gone, baby, gone.

OneNote was operated from my laptop, which has had problems since I
reformatted it and reinstalled Vista back in August. Somehow, after the
reinstall, my notebook for this semester was unsynchronized, so the backups I
made only had the first 2 weeks of material. I designated the My Documents
folder for my OneNote Notebooks Folder. So when I did my manual backup
copies, it only took the 2 week copies, not the unsynchronized notebooks with
all of my data. I'm guessing that OneNote stored that somewhere else (maybe
under backups?).

I even searched OneNote's backups under
AppData/Local/Microsfoft/OneNote/12.0/Backup, and those copies were also

There is a specific date range in my pages which are missing. That seems to
be the only pattern in my lost data.

The only thing I can think of that might have affected my data was I
defragged my computer on Sunday. Other than that, I have no idea what could
have caused my data loss.

I'm pretty bummed out right now.

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