Missing Pages



One of our users had about 10 pages in a few tabs in OneNote. She logged on
this morning and opened OneNote. One of the tabs was missing. I looked, and
it was indeed missing. Everything else was there.

I went into her "My Documents" to the "My Notebook" section and fortuantely
the data was there. I double clicked and OneNote opened up to that page. I
closed OneNote.

Now, everythings fine, and everytime she opens OneNote all of the data is

Is this a known problem? Any suggestions?


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James Gockel

I have heard about this problem before, I don't know if it's a bug or if
something isn't being updated or read correctly... maybe an MVP will be able
to get a better description about this problem. But it has happened before.
I haven't seen it personally. So I can probably assume it's something that
is either running on the machine interfering with onenote opening the file,
or the user themself is doing something to remove the file. I would probably
check for antivirus or antispyware software that may be checking files
before they open and restricting access to them, this is just a thought.
But also onenote does store backups of all of the notes for a time, you can
check the settings of onenote to see where they are kept, just incase it
happens a little worse next time, where the section is gone completly.

-James G.



Thanks for the info -- maybe I'll get some more from an MVP as you
mentioned. I'll look for the backup data, that could be a big help.


Kathy Jacobs

There have been reports of sections "getting closed". Since it is easy to
accidentally close sections with the right click of the tab, most of the
reports have turned out to be user problems. However, that doesn't mean that
some other cause doesn't exist. (And before you ask, yes... I am one of
those who accidentally close sections. Hate it when it happens. :) )

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at www.onppt.com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


Kathy and other experts:
Is Art's fix the way we deal with this event? 1. close OneNote 2. Find
missing section in Windows Explorer, 3. Double-click offending section 4.
Close OneNote and now all sections will open.

Other options?



Sure, but I have to run a fifth grade classroom (starting in July) on the
available-right-now version until January. As long as there's a work-around
that consistently gts me back the data -- I can deal with it.



I've always thought of OneNote 2003 as "a viewer of .one files".
One of the reasons is that you can "Close" Tabs (.one files) and they
can't be re-opened unless you go back to Windows Explorer.

I like this ability. I can see how it confuses many others.

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