MIssing pound, coma and quotes symbols


Andrew G


I have created a test site, with prices in £'s with also comma's and quotes,
when previewing, the display is fine, when i publish and then upload the web
files displays ? instead of what i want.

I have also created the same page in Dreamweaver and this works all fine,
now you are going to say do it all in dreamweaver, but i have created my main
site with 200+ pages which viewed ok, until it was uploaded, and dont want to
do it all over again.

Any help would be appreciated - Thanks



Go to Tools > Options > Web tab and change encoding to Unicode UTF8. While
you are at it, untick "Rely on VML..." and "Allow PNG..." for smaller,
faster loading pages.

You are correct, that you would probably be happier with your site if you
rebuilt it in Dreamweaver...


Andrew G

Hi, That works fine with a new project, I have already loaded the old one
saved in back down and uploaded it again, to no avail - any comments - and
thanks for the starter part


I know its a lot of pages, but delete the old pages off your site and upload


Andrew G

Edited publication, removed ? replaced with £ saved as new publication,
deleted all files on web, re uploaded and...... its still the same, without £
sign, tomorrow will delete the pages in the publication with the ? signs, re
create them and try again, otherwise any other suggestions please



First let's make sure that we are saying the same thing. In your original
Publisher document (not the HTML files), if you change the encoding to
Unicode UTF8 and preview the site, do you still end up with questions marks,
and the £ sign not working correctly?

Generally these problems are caused by using an unsupported character or
formatting. If changing the encoding does not solve the problem, then look
to how you are formatting the text box. Don't use indents, tabs, etc. In
general all you do is format the text. To test, perhaps remove all
formatting from a problem text box, and preview to see if you can identify
what formatting is causing the problem. Or create a new text box and add in
text and formatting until you find the problem...

If your Pub file seems to work alright when previewing, then try publishing
your site to a folder on your hard drive where you can find it. Go to that
folder and open the index.htm file and see if everything works there. If
that works, then delete all the old HTML files AND the subfolder off your
site (should be "index.htm" and a folder called "index_files" if you have
opted to use a subfolder under options), and upload/publish your new HTML
files to your webhost. Then delete all the temporary internet files in
Internet Explorer ( Tools > Internet Options, Delete files..) and test the
posted site.

If none of this solves the problem please post the URL of your website, and
specifically a page where you are having the problem.




Excellent post, but I am not sure how to fix your problem. I downloaded your
Pub file and it worked fine on my machine. I suspect that it has to do with
Regional and Language options. It appears that you are set up for UK
English, and I am using US English, so that might be the problem, but
obviously switching your machine to US English doesn't represent a good fix.
Check back, and I'll see if I can get some help with this...


Andrew G

Hi Dave,

Installed software on another computer, created test page, same problem
again, you said it worked fine on your computer i assume that is in preview
mode, if you were to upload it to somewhere, are you also not getting the £




Good morning,

I did just preview it before, but just now uploaded (FTP) it using both
Unicode and Western European (Windows), to see if it made any difference. It
worked fine in both cases.

I did copy this thread and links to your test sites and sent them to another
person who is more knowledgeable than I and asked him to troubleshoot it
when he had time. He may post back here or contact me directly...either way,
I hope to have something for you...eventually. If possible please leave your
test sites posted.

I am curious about a couple things. I tested this on a PC with IE sp1 and
FireFox I have IE sp2 installed on another partition, but haven't
tried that. What are you running? Also, have you installed any other patches
to IE? What about updates to Publisher/Office?

By the way, posting Publisher Web questions in the regular Publisher
newsgroup is not likely to get much help, and may get you flamed. Most
people feel that using Publisher to build a website is...shall we say, not
smart. They tend to feel pretty strongly about that. And, I must say that
given the size of your site, you would be best served in the long run to
rebuild it in Dreamweaver, since you already own the program. I know that is
not what you want to hear, but Publisher is intended for small, simple,
static websites, not 200+ page sites. You have encountered one problem, and
will undoubtedly run up against other limitations of using Publisher for a
site of this size. With Dreamweaver you will have smaller file sizes, faster
loading pages, better cross browser support and more. Though I will continue
to try to help you sort this out, perhaps you should rethink rebuilding it
in Dreamweaver. I am confident you will be happier in the long run.


David Bartosik

I'll respect your reasons for using Publisher when you had DW, however,
developing 200 pages BEFORE an upload and test - that is very poor
development practice. Please beat yourself silly. You should always - stop,
make a backup copy, and test your work - during development.

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