There was a missing reference, " Microsft DAO2.5/3.5
Compact ..."
I unselected it and backed out - now, every date field is
filled with today's date and several other fields have
gone to the 'dark side'. The $ field shows $0.00 for
everyone and another field is blank.
I went back into the dialog box and I can't find that
reference in the list to reselect it.
Thank goodness I experimented using a copy, eh?
There was a missing reference, " Microsft DAO2.5/3.5
Compact ..."
I unselected it and backed out - now, every date field is
filled with today's date and several other fields have
gone to the 'dark side'. The $ field shows $0.00 for
everyone and another field is blank.
I went back into the dialog box and I can't find that
reference in the list to reselect it.
Thank goodness I experimented using a copy, eh?
NOTE: write down what the references are before you delete-----Original Message-----
Your references are probably messed up.
If any of the selected references have "MISSING:" in front of them, unselect
them, and back out of the dialog.
go back in)them, because they'll be in a different order when you